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Converting Coolscan NEF files to DNG or TIFF


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Anybody any experience with this. The Coolscan NEF codec is different from the NEF codec used in the Nikon DSLRs. Since I have a large number of scans in this format I would like to find a application for conversion. The Coolscan software does not run properly under windows 7 (there is my reason!).

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I did not try specifically Coolscan NEF files, but the scan software VueScan does import NEF files.

They can be basically treated like a scanner with all following workflow steps like inverting, skew corrections, curves, output format, etc. …


It does work well with NEF files from my cameras. You could try a demo version or contact Ed Hamrick personally, asking this question.


VueScan is regarded as one of the finest scan software on the market, working with a high number of different scanners (and also Nikon NEF raw files).

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There's another Nikon program that might be able to work with them. NikonView or something like that.


I'd figure out a way to get NikonScan working and convert them all to Tiff. There's no compelling reason to want them in DNG.

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Can't you run it through Adobe's DNG converter?

No, I tried that.

I also tried to install my older Capture NX (version 1), but no result there. Apparently it needs Nikonscan to evaluate the file contents. I even downloaded Captute NX2 trial, no result. There seems to be a way to change the scanner.inf file though as to make nikonscan work under windows 7.

But I am completely done with NEF. While searching the web I found somebody saying that the nef files from the D90 were different files compared to other Nikon cameras. I seems well supported by Nikon.

As Vuescan is really incredibly fast (or is it windows 7, or maybe the combination) I can scan my negatives any time I like. The archive is the negative, what about that for a motto!

Edited by sjefjans
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I just looked in my backup drives and found a bunch of nef files from my nikon 8000 and Lightroom opens them without any problem and they can be adjusted perfectly well.


I'm uncertain why it does not load anymore. To check I have send a file to a friend who uses a Mac, and has Lightroom as well as other programs. Non of them accepted the files.

Nikon told me to send an example file to them for evaluation. I could send the file over the web. But: they accept only files smaller than 50MB, and as a nef file is much larger, no support there!

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I have Vuescan 9.0.06. Where can I find an inport option?

I am quite pessimistic about this converion. Will send a mail to Ed Hamrick as well.



In the "Input" pane, there is a point "Files" with man "@" button (second point form top).


Just click the "@" button, navigate to the folder, your NEF files are in and operate VueScan from there on, as if you where scanning with a physical scanner.

It allows all adjustments, one can make, when normally scanning.


Of course, you could use all other conversion software, that read the NEF files, but I found VueScan, to give me one benefit: It will invert and apply curves and settings to my negative RAW files (I shoot my BW negatives with a Nikon D3 + Macro lens).

I then end up with tiff files, I can directly work with in Adobe Lightroom without Photoshop hassles (inverting, converting to tiff, etc) and hassles like adjusting black point and curves in Lightroom.


Try it, it might work for you. Luckily, there are several ways to Rome ;-)

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I import the NEF files into Nikon Capture NX2 and sometimes work on them there as well as store them. But I also export them as Tiff files to Aperture, which I store on a second internal hard drive as well as two external backup drives. I mention. That because the second internal drive recently completely crashed, with no way to recover anything. I still had the Aperture library on backup as well as the original Nikon files on the main drive. It was a good reminder not to take chances regarding file storage, especially given how much of a pain it is to scan all those old slides!

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I import the NEF files into Nikon Capture NX2 and sometimes work on them there as well as store them. But I also export them as Tiff files to Aperture, which I store on a second internal hard drive as well as two external backup drives. I mention. That because the second internal drive recently completely crashed, with no way to recover anything. I still had the Aperture library on backup as well as the original Nikon files on the main drive. It was a good reminder not to take chances regarding file storage, especially given how much of a pain it is to scan all those old slides!


Yes, how frustating can it be when something crashes. And how many backup does one need to be on the safe side. A thrustworthy file format should be part of a backup protocol.

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