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Gipsy Christmas...


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When God created the world, he gave all people there share.

Except the Gipsies because as always, they arrived to late...

Since there was no part left, God gave them permission to take there part from others whenever they needed something...


Christmas is coming and these Gipsies are taking there part,

by (stealing) these Christmas trees.


Marry Christmas to all of you !



Edited by Prem
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What a beautiful B&W conversion, Prem, I totally love these pictures, haven't seen something so breathtaking in a while.

Would you mind to share your process as a Christmas gift?

Merry Christmas and happy new year to you and your family.

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Thank you so much for your kind words...


Actually there is not a lot to share about the PP.

1) I use Aperture 3.1 to convert to B/W ( using menu )

2) then I do some corrections with Aperture levels adjustment.

3) open the file in Silver Efex Pro

4) make the final settings in brightness and contrast

5) lighten up a bit separately those areas that have to attract attention


That's basically it. Most of the PP is done just out of a feeling.

In a way, just as in the old days of the darkroom, I judge what the photo needs, to become

alive. From there it's mainly by feeling. I'm convinced that my darkroom experiences are of

great help, even the whole process is digital now.


best regards,


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