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Question re: old camera (M4)


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I've recently picked up an old M4 from the late 60's and it doesn't snap into focus like my modern Leicas (MP and M7). I think this is because the second image in the rangefinder is slightly dimmer then what is in the modern cameras. As a result, focusing is just a tad bit more uncertain, time consuming, and not as much fun.


If I get a bit closer with the old camera, then I see the two images come together precisely. But the newer cameras are noticeably better in this regard.


Is this something that can repaired with cleaning or new mirrors/prism? Or is this just the way this old camera is?



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Three things


The finder optice will fog up a lot with age and may need cleaning every 10-20 years, even with factory lubes...


The M4 does not have hard coated opitics like MP or late M7 and the contrast will be lesser, and you may be able to detect this. Does nto trouble me, but it is subjective...


Any of the finders of the older cameras may have a degraded rangefinder patch as the half 'silvering' degrades, Solms will replace the whole assembly independents will resilver so it is lke new, Solms arm and leg - Independents merely reassuringly expensive.



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