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  1. To Steve and all the rest on Leica Forum: Steve, what do you think? You mentioned that you went the the Cannes film festival with some form of movie if I remember correctly. So could a person adapt the old Leica-M lenses and make a film using the SL2-S? I don't care about super fast & easy professional lens and body use myself, only wondering if with a little extra effort could it be reasonably done? I have to convince my cinematographer friend to do this so any comment you have will interest me. Generally, myself, as someone who went to film school years ago, I am one of Leica's potential SL2-S purchasers. Their approach, to issue new lenses that have something different from their old lenses, is an artist's approach, and I love that. The high lens prices have knocked me out of the new ASPH lenses, which is ok, since as all makers products approach perfect like the ASPH lenses do, they all produce pictures looking more the same and loose their differentiation. Leica seems to be making a viable independent filmmaker camera in the SL2-S since it has so many of the needed features. Some comments on the needed features below: Auto focus is secondary in movie making, since it is usually done by hand, so the discount there is not a problem. Lens focus adjustment, marked on the lens barrel to exact distances, is one of the biggest differences between professional and home-user lenses. Yet with a monitor attached and some tape to mark the lens focus positions, possibly focus can still be done by hand as I did in film school using 16mm equipment. The differences from professional to amateur could also be called a camera support issue: tripod use (professional) verses walk around use (amateur) affects so many features like the movable screen articulation need and remote focus or auto focus adjustments. Of course today more professionals walk with the camera then in the past (SteadiCam was the old way - replaced by today's internal camera stabilization systems), but I would say that the video they make is rather cheesy not as professional looking, and that that poor video work has become acceptable do to the existence of youtube and selfies being so ubiquitous (found everywhere). Amateur is not a bad word. It comes from the Latin "amator" meaning "lover of" something. Those that love an avocation like photography may outdo those doing the same for daily work who are stuck with producing professional standards that may be boring. France produced the "French New Wave" movie makers in the 1960's, who used 16mm equipment and also the new lighter Arri 35mm cameras, leaving behind the enormous Mitchel studio cameras that the USA film companies used. Also, just look at the photos on this site and others where I see many stunning shots that seldom occur in the commercial world which is aimed mostly at selling something or copying someone else's work. Anyway, my professional Los Angles based cinematographer friend, says yes the new mirrorless cameras produce a good enough file for professional filmmaking and he only has qualms (concerns) about the work methods needed to hit focus and generally have a fluid effective efficient working environment. Comments please!
  2. Hi there! So I just started working with filmmaking and color grading and I have noticed this weird issue with some clips of my footage (10 out of 70 in the edit I am currently working on). The edges of the frame change in luminosity all of the sudden. I am attaching a video of my DaVinci project so you can see it. In the video I am just going back and forth between frames. Have any of you come across something like this? Do you think it is a file, scene or a camera/sensor issue? Just want to find out ASAP, because if it is camera related I want to ship it right away to get it fixed. Here are other things that maybe could have something to do with it? The selected setting for Exposure Metering Floating ISO iDR Video safety area Image Stabilization Thanks in advance! WhatsApp Video 2024-07-09 at 12.57.42.mp4
  3. I’m curious what settings you all use for video on the Q2, 4K 30 FPS or 4K 24 FPS Cinematic and what video style?
  4. Hate to say the SL2 video capabilities are seriously flawed at 4K recording and C4K. See the picture below. The main issues I ran into during a full day of video use (With the 50 APO SL and 35/1.2 Art): 1. 4K recording can only occur for 5 minutes or less on a full battery before error message “battery level too low for 4K recording”. (Changed batteries and encountered same issue so it’s not the battery) 2. C4K recording restricts AF usage, limited to only manual focus with the Sigma 35/1.2. 3. All AF capabilities during recording are very slow to focus, unable to switch faces during face/body detection (in the rare case it captures a face), the AF box may at times capture 2-3 bodies and choose to “average” the focus distance. 4. No compressed 4K recording at 50mbps or less. 5. Video Focus peaking’s highlighted/colored areas do not match still focus peaking highlighted areas. 6. No way to magnify the video during capture to check focus. Unfortunately the error message for battery doesn’t show up until 30 seconds after you hit record video. So it ruined a nice Xmas morning moment with the family, when I set up the tripod, hit record, then joined the wife/baby. 5 minutes later, I check the camera and only 30 seconds or less were recorded and the moment gone. Last year my A7r3 recorded 4K full width of sensor till the battery went to 0%. AF easily moved from eye to eye of subjects, focus peaking was accurate and easily seen, and it held tons of video in a UHS-1 SD Card. For a camera that touts it video recording, my iPhone did better (actually much better), and then I had to grab my xpro3 for the rest of the day. how did Leica release a camera with such terrible firmware?? ASIDE from video, just off the top of my head, I recall: terrible accuracy and reliability issues with AF-c tracking, complete lack of eye-AF all together, blurry EVF view in magnified mode for AF-s and manual focus, no AF-s abilities at all while in magnified live view, terrible reliability with tethering (can’t tether to an iPad with two SD cards in the camera due to a firmware bug), nonlinear focusing in manual focus on the Summicron SL lenses. That’s all I encountered, im sure there’s more to report. I haven’t encountered a small percentage of such obvious firmware issues with the xpro3, a7r3, A7r4, Nikon z7, or gfx50r.
  5. Does anyone know the 4k recording bit rate? I’m hoping it’s over 100mbps. Can’t find anything in the specs.... thx!
  6. Hello, I am experiencing an image error while video-recording in full frame mode. It is not that easy to see, but I get a bluish-white line on the bottom of the video frame. It is there in full-frame mode but goes away when I switch to APSC. I have just installed Firmware 2 and it is still there. Does any of you have the same issues? Just wanting to check, if I got a bad copy or it's a more common problem. Thanks!
  7. Hi all, I've noticed there isn't a dedicated thread for editing L-Log footage, so I will begin one here. I realize that colouring and re-touching video is a very subjective field, but I wanted to see how others work within Leica's limited literature surrounding post-production in video. I've just updated my Atomos Ninja V to the latest firmware, which now allows for L-Log recording from leica (the past year with the SL2 was a little tedious working with both internally and externally recorded video footage). Now, with this update, BT2020 seems a lot nicer. I've just done my first video about this update here:
  8. I’m wondering if I can use my Leica V Lux 20 as a webcam.. anyone know & if so,what type of cable would I need? Thanks!!
  9. Die hauptsächliche Frage steht im Titel. Außerdem würde mich noch interessieren ob man genau wie bei der SL2 auch in Cinema 4K im crop Modus aufnehmen kann für mehr Zoom. Der Grund für die Fragen ist ich bin mit der SL2 und dem 24-90 sehr zufrieden aber hätte gerne was leichteres zum wandern. Hatte zuerst an das CL 18mm gedacht aber ohne Wetter Schutz mach ich mir da im Gebirge sorgen speziell da ich gerne auch im bei regnerischen Wetter Filme.
  10. Hello Leica friends, I wanted to bring to your attentions some issues I’m having with the Leica SL2.. I have bought this camera mainly for Video shooting as I use M10P and M6 for photos. I loved using my M lenses on the SL system and when the SL2 was finally announced I thought it was time to get one. I tested every shooting mode and I have to say that the camera has received some big improvements compared to the previous 601. The Ibis is very accurate and in HLG mode the dinamic range is quite impressive. Didn’t like the LLog though, very noisy and difficult to handle. And the internal 4K 60fps is just useless for aliasing and moire (you must use an external recorder if you want to get a decent file, when the Panasonic S1H is very clean in the same mode). I also use for my work Alexa Mini LF and smaller bodies such as the Z-Cam F6, this last camera has a nice M mount with positive lock which enables me to use all my Leica M lenses. So why I got a SL2? The main reason is to be able to carry it everywhere, in a small backpack with a couple of lenses, other than on set for work. Now, the files produced by this camera should be H265(?).. but the files won’t play in my machines. The finder doesn’t show any preview, QuickTime doesn’t read them. VLC plays only the first 3 frames (18cores IMac Pro).. imagine you shoot 300 clips and you need to conform them every time to Prores in order to just see what you have shot. I remember I bought my SL2 in Shanghai the day it came out and after 2 days shooting around I just switched to my small Zcam as I had to open at every import FCPX or Premiere and create a project just to watch my daily footage and after delete it. So my question: having a playable file out of camera (internal recording) is Asking too much? Another big limitation is the focus magnifier that doesn’t work while recording. With an Atomos Ninja V the resolution helps but as I said.. why I can’t enjoy this camera as it is? I’ve also got multiples hot pixels, partially removed by the internal NR.. but still present. Last, a few times I’ve used an L mount lens... the camera can’t handle video recording for more than 10 min with a fully charged battery. I won’t give up with this camera as I strongly believe a new firmware will fix these problems. what do you guys think?
  11. Video Mode question: (Leica SL) Does anyone know how to set the 'shutter speed' to slower than the 'fps rate' in video mode to create 'shutter/motion blur effects' in camera? It seems to only go as low as the fps rate no matter what I try, perhaps someone has a work-around or tip? Thanks in advance!
  12. Hello All, I shot MOV videos with my M-P 240 and some of the files got corrupted. I absolutely *MUST* restore these files. I tried the commonly found free techniques (QuickTime, VLC). (Unsurprisingly), Most of the paid software restoration tools out there already claimed that they don't take Leica in charge as each brand and model have their own MOV file structure. I have spent time with their support team in live chats confirming this. Based on my files sizes (ranging 640 MB to 4 GB), I still have hope. Data definitely exists, but it's only a matter of finding the right restoration technique of compatible software. Anyone ran into a similar ordeal? I am devastated... Thank you so kindly in advance for your help! Charles
  13. I took a new (and my first) Leica CL to Europe this summer and recorded some video. Playback in the camera showed skipping every 15 seconds or so. How do I figure out if this is an issue with my memory card, the settings I used for the video capture, or something else? I do not own video editing s/w and was hoping to just post the videos as is on social media, but won't do so because of the quality I got. I ended up using my iPhone instead for video on the trip . I was using a SanDisk Extreme PRO 95 Mb/s SDXC card with a little 3 inside of a U and a 10 in a circle on it.
  14. At the end of November my son traded in his beloved M9 at the Berlin Leica store, and upgraded to a factory fresh, new M10. They gave him a generous trade-in allowance and he loves the M10 after 4 weeks of light use. Since the M10 has LiveView with a real-time video processor, he wonders - does the M10 have the necessary hardware and software to do video, if a firmware update was provided? I understand there would be the need for software to create a standard video format output.
  15. Hello, I am shooting Surf tomorrow and was thinking about recording some videos as well, the matter being I’ve never done it before. So I am looking for a crash course, simple, straight to the point, couldn’t find anything on YouTube… also I read the manual but can’t figure out why I can’t focus where I would want to, nor in MF or AF. I am using a Sigma 150-600, when I turned the focus ring it just magnified the image. Thank you in advance
  16. Hey, I was filming with the Leica SL2S and I was wondering why the camera was cropping in? Does the camera in MOV and 4KC only do APSC? DO I need a recorder to get the full sensor readout? Anyone working with video and full frame? The option is grayed out in the menu. thanxs Peter
  17. love their videos, they release the videos a week or so before the actual sale, which in this case in in the 1st week of January 24 https://www.kitamuracamera.jp/ja/event/onlinesale_2023_1226
  18. https://vimeo.com/208254533 A short video clip I made on SL with Summarit 35/2.4 in L-log and graded in FCP X as Arri Log C footage. Wanted to finally see what can be done with those L-log files. Not bad results, looks really promising. Anyone here has any experience with making films on SL? How do you capture the footage, how do you colour grade later? What LUT do you use? I've looked at buying some extra LUT loaders and use some custom LUTs but decided that it's not really needed. I can work with what's in the Apple Final Cut Pro X quite effectively it seems. How about you?
  19. I've launched my first video review of the Leica M10 before the article series starts. I'll get into more on the sensor, ISO, comparison to Fuji and more in the following videos and articles. Enjoy! Leica M10 Video Reviews by Thorsten Overgaard
  20. Here is a short but interesting video look into the production process of the M10 camera:
  21. Hi I use my SL mostly, if not to say exclusively, for photography. Mostly portraits. I don't know much about video. So now we got a new horse and I want ocasionally make some short clips. My first attempts with AF were a failure, I don't know if it's me or the camera (I think it's me). So what AF-settings would you suggest to start with? The set are four horses, two all black (seems impossible to focus them in AFc without hunting AF) which should be captured in the movement. Any idea? thank you!
  22. So you are using the m240 as a travel camera. and you are sitting on the beach sipping wine and listening to the waves on Lake Nyassa. Suddenly the night peace is broken. What would you do without your Summilux 24 and Video? https://youtu.be/_m5ckWSAzB8 https://youtu.be/xRXkRqBlBbQ
  23. I've started a photography channel, "Magic of Light" on YouTube because it's the audio-visual age. I really love writing about cameras and photography (and will continue to do so), but when an opportunity to set up a production team doing video was there, I grabbed it. So I will be doing two broadcasts a week. The new one is "What is White Balance". So enjoy, and subscribe to the channel if you like it! http://www.magicoflight.tv/watch?v=-vHtnQPhhZs
  24. Hi, Anybody knows how can take video more than 4GB by a M240? My camera stops recording video after 4GB, and it makes problem when I am recording an interview. Thanks,
  25. Here's a quick guide to set up the VIDEO on the Leica SL Basic Menu Settinghttp://www.overgaard.dk/Leica-Camera-Typ-601-page-3-Video-Journalist-Morten-Albek-reviews-the-Leica-SL-for-video.html# Menu settings on the Leica SL for Videos on the Leica SL
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