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  1. Guest

    Which One Do You Suggest?

    I have been looking around for some Leica M Rangefinders. I have narrowed it down to a few: M4-2, M4-p, m6, m7. Which one would you suggest? I am leaning more towards the M4 options but i do knot know the difference between the two, nor the others for that matter. Thanks in advanced for your help. Edit: What are your thoughts on the Voigtländer 15mm, for landscapes and such. I am also considering a summicron 50mm f/2. Any other thoughts of good lenses, not too expensive.
  2. I recommend the addition of Leitz Midland Celebration Day to the photographic lectionary. As a reminder: When the M5 didn't fly, Wetzlar terminated the M series, intending to run with the SL alone. Thanks be to Barnack, someone at the Midland Ontario plant decided to put the M4 back into production. At the time, there weren't full production drawings for the camera because, in a true corporate memory, the German M staff carried the knowledge in their blood and muscles. Therefore the design specs Wetzlar sent to Midland were incomplete, and the M4-2 had teething problems. But the upshot is: Only because someone (anyone know who?) in Canada couldn't bear to see the rangefinder line killed is it--and the company--still around today. There should be a commemorative celebration and at least a plaque to celebrate the foresight of the person and company branch that kept the M alive.
  3. For every +/- 100 images shot digitally there is also one film exposed on my cameras. Do you have a specific workflow combining analog and digital?
  4. Apologies if there are similar threads to this one - I haven't been able to find answers to my questions specifically. I recently sold my M3 since I'm looking for a body that accommodates wider lenses and has a hotshoe. I don't need a built in meter and am on a budget, so I wouldn't consider the M6. I also find the M5 too bulky, so this leaves the M4-2 and M4-P. I will mainly be shooting 28mm and 35mm lenses, so the M4-P seems ideal since it provides framelines for both. My first question is therefore whether the extra cost is warranted for 28mm framelines, or if I should opt for an M4-2 and use the entire viewfinder to approximate the 28mm focal length. Also, since there are few "user condition" examples of both models available online, I'm wondering how reliable the hotshoe is on these cameras - I use flash a lot and problems in this department would be a total dealbreaker for me. Would it make a tangible difference to opt for a late M4-P, or is it safe to assume that the hotshoe will function well in most cases regardless of model or year? My instincts tell me the M4-P is the ideal camera, but since there are a few M4-2's available for very attractive prices, I'm hoping someone can convince me otherwise!
  5. Hi, I dropped my bag and damaged the rewind knob of my M4-2, do you know if these are compatible across the M line that have one, I've see in some listings for it that show M4, M4-2, M6 and M7 as supported but then there are others where only the M6 is mentioned.
  6. Hello- I just got my M4-2 back from a repair service for this light leak/shutter issue - a band across the top. I got my first roll back, and 95% of the frames didn't have it - but the last few frames did. None of the frames with my 35mm Summicron had it, only the last few with a 50mm Canon 1.4 LTM with an adapter. Is there any chance this is a lens/adapter issue, or is the shutter still the culprit? Band happend when shot into the direct sun at 1000th, sun behind be at 100th; and also in muted indoor light around 250th. Cheers
  7. Hi all, Just had my M6 CLA’d due to a light leak around the shutter curtains. They are demonstrating some curling and leave a light leak when a frame is left in the gate for too long. The tech replaces the baffles among other things but I can still see a bit of light at the edges when shining a bright light. He claims that is normal and his other Leicas also have this. Can anyone attest if that is true by checking your shutter curtain edges when shining a bright light inside? much obliged Boe
  8. Hi, I’m new here. I am using Canon DSLR and Nikon F3P film camera. I understand that a Leica camera won’t make me a better photographer, but I like the feel after tested the Leica camera at Leica store, and I love the experience of controlling light by myself. I started from DSLR then move to film, my F3 explore my vision of “how to exposure work”, but relying very minimum of the electronic parts inside my F3 (basically just a light meter). With all the reasons (maybe excuses), I am decided to become one of the Leica member. Last week, I saw a good deal of 50mm f2 rigid, and my finger acted to quickly and accidentally make up the purchase, now it on the way. I hope I can have some of your suggestions here to help me to pick my first Leica to start my Leica journey. Currently, I am considering M3, M4 and M5. Based on my search on the web, M3 is legendary camera, M4 is more modern, M5 is cheap & bulky. is there anyone who used or owned these camera and probably can give some advise to me? I planned to get one film Leica only, afterwards, I will invest into digital Leica. Thank you very much.
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