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Found 16 results

  1. Servus,, letztes Jahr bin ich durch eine Reinvestion (Scotch) und habe den Schritt zu Leica gemacht bzw vor zwei Jahren hatte ich ja schon das R-System besessen jedoch alles wieder verkauft und auch mit in die M gespielt und verliebt. Aber da mir es keine Ruhe gelassen hat war ich dann auf Suche nach alten Schätzchen und somit haben sich drei Barnacks der IIf/IIIf/IIIC den Weg zu mir gefunden auch zwei M3 DS/SS und sind nun Abwechslungsreich mit auf meinen Touren auch im Job. Quasi als EDC😁 Die ersten Filme sind belichtet wobei bei zwei'n die längeren Zeiten nicht gepasst haben also den Verkäufer angeschrieben und ohne Probleme wurden neu justiert. Und bei der IIIf war Lichteinfall somit auch angeschrieben und wurde auch ohne Probleme seinerseits erneuert. Entschleunigt unterwegs zu sein macht schon was her und einfach der Spaßeffekt zielt schon ab.
  2. Hello, First to clarify and broaden the breadth of this inquiry, I am generally wondering what, if any significance smaller production batches have or reasoning behind such occurrences? I.e. lack of resources or market demand, gifts for individuals/entities revered by Leica management, contracts at the request of certain 'connected' individuals, etc.? Second to narrow the scope, my particular question is in regards to a production run of 50 spanning 193451-193500 for the Model IIIa, one of which I inherited from my grandfather several years ago in addition to 10/30/1957 IIIg GOOEL, 1/3700, and the most puzzling quagmire of them all and obviously not applicable, a 'model defying' Canon M39 screwmount from 1949-52(?) that I haven't been able to identify. To provide some more context, I have recently found myself in a place where I am 'reconnecting' with my grandfather, roots, knowledge of self, et al. which leads me to this forum where I am hoping to learn more about where he might've purchased them, where they originated from, etc. I have just heard back from a Leica Technical Advisor from the New Jersey branch who advised me to submit an inquiry to Leica headquarters, in addition to try this forum(!), which I did and am now awaiting response, but if any of you happen to know more specifics I'd be very grateful! Or if you have any insights into the question generally please feel free to post! Regardless, if you've read this I thank you for your time! Also I've attached a more complete album below as oppose to upload only a few: https://photos.app.goo.gl/N5dSY7NC62MCYvJ37
  3. Hopefully nobody minds me asking an ignorant question... I have an LTM Elmar 50mm f/2.8 and, reading the Ken Rockwell review, he recommends a Yellow #022 39mm filter for b&w photography with that lens. However, what I am really unsure about is how the filters fit to my lens and, if I am not to buy an authentic Leitz/Leica filter, what I need to look for on eBay, etc. I don't see any thread inside the collapsible lens so I am guessing that the filters either fit over the lens like the lens cap or somehow grip onto the inside of the lens. Grateful for any insights plus suggestions re where I can get them!
  4. saw this Very chubby Canadian Silver Summicron LTM today..quite heavy too
  5. Hallo liebe Community, Ich würde gerne mehr über meine Leica III wissen, was zum Beispiel ihre Seriennummer angeht ob sie mit eine "berühmten" Leica in ihrem Seriennummernradius hergestellt wurde oder ob der weg den sie zurück gelegt hat irgendwie nach verfolgt werden kann. Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir ein paar antworten geben denn ich mag es viel über meine Kamera zu wissen Seriennummer ist die : 330689 Liebe Grüße, Nils
  6. Guten Morgen, Ich bin neu hier und habe mir eine Leica III gekauft um auch den richtigen einstieg in die Messsucherkamera sparte zu haben. Ich hoffe ihr könnt mir zu anfang Tipps geben auf den Bildern seht ihr meine Leica die kommt in der nächsten woche per post
  7. Hi. Used a Leitz M39 to Leica m Adapter on my M10 with a summaron 35/2.8 lens. The rangefinder coupling is not working and my M10 terminates the liveview witin seconds and sets back the manual lens selection to ‚auto‘. Does anybody have an explanation/solution? Thx a lot!
  8. this was on Instagram...hilarious.. The "Leica Look"....Industar M39 lens on a TL2..brilliant
  9. I found this Carl Zeiss Jena lens for Leica SM (M39) at a flea market. This is what I could find about it: The Herar should be cheaper opportunity to the Carl Zeiss Biogon. It was originally produced for the Contax mount. The lens was produced around 500-1000 times. The one i found appears to be a prototype/sample for the Leica screw mount M39. It has a connection for the range finder and the aperture can be controlled with the front ring of the lens. It was produced before 1939. I hope I got everything right. My two questions: Are the infos are all right (age, Version etc.) and since inform own a Leica with drew Mount I want to sell it. What is the right price? (I only found two offers online both around 3000usd, is it really worth that much?) I also read that one was sold at a Auction at Christies in 1992. I’m very thankful for any held or answer ✌🏻
  10. Hi everyone, So I've recently gotten back into the M system with an M2, and am looking for some 50mm glass to go with it. I'd really like to go vintage - I used to shoot a V2 Summicron 50 (which I am a total fool for selling) on my M3 and loved the images, but am not sure whether I can spend that amount again. The qualities I love in vintage glass are flares, halation and artistic bokeh, but I'm not looking for anything too soft or glowy - this would be a general carry around lens, so I don't want its character to ever overshadow the content of pictures. In terms of use, I don't only shoot one thing - when I'm in the city I'll shoot street photos, architecture and friends/family. I also like hiking so I do a bit of nature/landscape. At the moment I'm shooting mainly on 500T but plan to get some Double-X in the future as well. For digital I'll be adapting to a Sigma FP. I'm not a fan of lenses that are too big (heavy I don't mind). I recently bought a Canon LTM 50mm 1.4 which ticks most of my boxes, but I find it too big to take around all the time, especially in terms of front diameter (the lens contained fungus that wasn't initially mentioned, so I'm returning it anyway). I've been considering the Nikkor LTM 50mm F2, but from what I've seen it does indeed get quite glowy and is pretty unusable wide open, despite being better than most other lenses from the 40's/50's. Most tests online don't specify the condition of the lens used or the aperture for specific shots though, so it's hard to form an opinion - if anyone has first hand experience with this model then please let me know! For 35mm I'm probably going with the Canon LTM 35mm F2, so that is a pretty good reference of the look I'm going for. Here are some tests for the 35mm F2 that I found online: http://ohm-image.net/opinion/photophile/review-canon-ltm-m39-35-2 http://rangefinderchronicles.blogspot.com/2012/11/leica-iiif-and-canon-35mm-f2-ltm-part-2.html Sorry for the long post - tried to provide as much info as possible but probably ended up rambling a little bit! Thanks in advance.
  11. Hallo Leute, ich will den Filmtransport Drehknopf gegen einen höheren Dreknopf mit mehr gripp wechseln. Dafür will ich auch den Auslöser "verlängern". Den Drehknopf kann man ja recht einfach gegen einen selbstgedrehten Messing oder Alu knopf wechseln, aber hat da jemand Erfahrung mit? Weiß jemand ob es sowas wie die Leica Glocke für Drahtauslöser auch mit direktem Auslöser gibt? Beste Grüße Thomas
  12. My video is based on a Zoom talk which I gave to the Photographic Collectors Club of Great Britain last Sunday. This was a development of an article of mine which had appeared earlier in the magazine of The Leica Society (UK). This traces the fact that the very first Leicas with interchangeable lenses were conversions done in Britain in the late 1920s, even before Leitz/Leica offered the same features on Leicas made in Wetzlar. These used Meyer (German) and Ross and Dallmeyer (both British) lenses. Some of the features of the British conversions were subsequently used by Leitz/Leica. Leica then adopted the wider LTM M39 mount and the British Manufacturers adapted to this with their later production. Some of the images from my talk are below William
  13. I am a bit lost with what i have read about the radioactive summis. What is the deal with them? Are they more trouble than they are worth because of the browning? How about resale? Do people avoid them?
  14. Hallo, kennt jemand die Firma Fotodiox und taugen die Adapter etwas? Search results for: 'with coding' Ich habe hier noch ein paar Leitz-Objektive mit Schraubgewinde von meiner IIIf und würde die gerne auch mal ausprobieren. Im übrigen bin ich sehr angetan von den Ergebnissen z.B. des Novoflex-Balgens mit 60mm Kopf an der M. Beim Abblenden regelt die M mit EVF2 die Helligkeit wieder hoch, ich denke mal, daß ich das bei einer Spiegelreflex nicht hätte.
  15. Hi everybody, after 35years in optics I thought I´d seen it all, wrong, I would appreciate some help here. I found an old Rodenstock lens, probably just post war 1949 engraved " Rodenstock - Erinar 1 : 3,5 f = 135 mm" with an Leica M39 Leitz thread. Manual aperture setting towards the front element from 3,5 to 32, lens barrel is in the typical post war matt chrome finish, focus in meters down to 1,5. About 125 mm long at most 55 mm in diameter. All lenses (probably a triplet) are single layer MgF coated. Wanted to put it up in the Bay but funny, I can´t find anything about this lens on the web ? Anybody come across this lens ever ? Came out of a company building clearance (Rodenstock HQ in Munich is moving), could have been a prototype ? Best regards from sunny Munich Georg
  16. I am using a 1954 Summitar 5cm f2 lens on my M6 with a screw mount to M mount adaptor. As carefully as I try to focus nothing seems sharp on my negatives at all f stops. Could there be a problem with the adapter? Should I just use M mount lenses.
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