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  1. I've searched through the forum and can only find X1 or X2 threads referring to this viewfinder - does anyone have any experience using it on a D-Lux4? I appreciate that it's designed for the equivelant of a 35mm lens but that's not a problem for me as I usually set my zoom to that focal length anyway (old habits die hard).
  2. Hello dear reader, This is my first post @L-Camera, and I was wondering if someone could give me some advice and help me out. I bought the D-Lux 4 a couple of years ago, so now I'm out of range of the warranty.. :-( I started to have a problem with the display, like the display would loose connection and it goes black. This started to be more and more frequent, and now my display is almost the whole time black...so I don't really see what I shoot.. :-0 I wanted to ask your advice here, especially if someone else had the same problem, before I send it in to repair.. I like to thank you in advanvce for your precious help Best regards Michele
  3. Hallo zusammen, wenn ich von meiner D-Lux 4 eine RAW Datei in Lightroom "als DNG" importiere, dort bearbeite und dann als DNG exportiere um sie z. B. einem Kollegen weiter zu geben, habe ich im Finder kein Vorschaubild mehr und Vorschau kann die Datei auch nicht mehr öffnen. Gibt es hier für eine Erklärung/ Lösung? Ach so, bei anderen Kameras ist das nicht so. Danke und Gruß Roman
  4. I have a year old D-Lux 4, which is still in excellent condition The screen at the back of the camera has suddenly stopped luminating though the camera turns on and still takes pictures Any advice wold be appreciated Thanks
  5. Hey all, I am a proud owner of a Digilux 3, which I have recently bought brand new. The picture quality is simply outstanding! I also have a D-Lux 4, which was my first Leica, and sparkled the "Leica" obsession in me. But my recent acquisition is a Digilux 2, which will arrive later this week. I can't wait to put my hands on it after reading all the positive reviews at this site. I wonder if anyone in this list uses the D3 and D2 and could shed a light on what would be the best way to have them living together and taking the most out of them. My idea was to sell the D-lux 4 and keep the D2 as my compact camera for street photography and candid portraits. I would use the D3 for traveling purposes and action pictures, using a Vario Elmar 14-150mm + the kit lens, and, for low light, indoor shooting, I would it with a Summilux 25mm f/1.4. Is there anyone that with a similar setup that could share with me the experience of having a D3 and D2 at the same time? Thanks in advance! Carlos
  6. msbel

    Fisherman's Dusk

    D-Lux 4, Coconut Grove, FL. Hauling boat and captain after a long day out. [ATTACH]204793[/ATTACH]
  7. 1. Picture of an old Man in a small Town Railwaystation. 2. Picture of a jung Man looking for the toilet on an Architecture Exhibition.
  8. Eine vielleicht einfache Frage, die mir aber Sorgen macht: Seit Jahren habe ich verschiedene Nikon DSLRs benutzt, und ich bin damit relativ gut zufrieden. Trotzdem finde ich, dass ich ein bedarf habe an einen kleineren Kamera, den ich besser ”überall” mitbringen könnte. Einen solchen Kamera würde ich also fast nur für ”point and shoot”-Aufnahmen benutzen. Ich habe mich für entweder den D-Lux 4 oder den V-Lux 20 entschieden, aber welchen soll ich wählen? So weit ich es verstanden – und gesehen - habe, ist die Bildqualität bei dem D-Lux 4 besser (und RAW-Format ist hier vorhanden) und die Lichtstärke der Objektiv ist besser, als bei dem V-Lux 20. Bei dem V-Lux 20 ist die Brennweitespanne aber grösser und es gibt hier GPS. Jetzt habe ich ganz viele Reviews und Tests gelesen, ich habe Testfotos studiert und ich habe gelesen, was ich finden konnte in Internetforums usw. Und ich kann mich trotzdem nicht entscheiden. Also frage ich, was meint man hier? Wenn ich ein Snapshot-Kamera brauche, welcher ist dann besser?
  9. Passt die Ledertasche der D-LUX 4 (braun: 18689; schwarz 18690) auch an die Nachfolgerin D-LUX 5 ? Vielen Dank für jede Information!
  10. Has anyone ever used a Leica Elpro 2 with a D-Lux 4? I have an adapter tube, with 52mm. If I use a 52-55 stepup ring, this should be a winning combo, no? Since my other camera is a Digilux 2 and its proprietary Elpro-D is beyond the reqch of my wallet, I was looking into buyin one of the Elpro filters for my D-Lux 4> Does anyone have the specifications for the Elpro 1,2,3 and 4? I'm not quite sure which one I should get (it would be for macro work on flowers). Thanks for your input!
  11. Hello, i have problem with copying firmware 2.2 file to my card inserted in the D-lux4. I was trying on Windows and Mac OS X system. Getting the same warning: Card is protected or can't be modified. I've checked card locker of course is unlocked - before i've recorded pictures. I'm connecting using PC option. The card is formatted inside the camera. I have no memory card reader. My card: 4GB SD HC. I'm waiting for any solutions. Thank you! best regards Sebastian
  12. I took this a couple of months ago with my D-LUX 4 out the window of a plane somewhere over France (cropped a bit from RAW and rendered to a small JPEG file to fit here). A quadruple circular rainbow seemed a bit rare to me, and then the plane changed course slightly and suddenly I also had the plane's shadow. --Steve
  13. I need a battery charger for the D-Lux 4 and cannot find one. Does anyone have suggestions for a US source? Thank you!
  14. Aloha, vielleicht kann mir jemand helfen: Ich besitze eine D-Lux 4 mit einer 16GB Karte. Laut Tabelle sind damit knapp 3 Std. Videoaufzeichnung im VGA Modus möglich. Allerdings kann ich stets nur max. 15 Min. Video filmen. Hat die D-Lux evtl. eine Limitierung? Das wäre ziemlich schade, wenn man das Baby nicht einfach mal "am Stück laufen lassen" könnte, bis die Karte voll ist Vielleicht hat jemand bereits Erfahrung gesammelt... Danke bereits vorab für Feedback.
  15. Hallo! Seit gestern bin ich im Besitz einer LX 3, in Erwartung neuer Produkte von Leica zu PK dieses Jahr habe ich sie anstelle einer Leica gekauft. Allerdings war ich doch sehr erstaunt, als ich mir die ersten Schnappschuesse am Bildschirm ansah. http://www.l-camera-forum.com/leica-forum/members/sj-bj-rn-albums-test-picture2799-test-lx-3-f-rg-lx.html Sowohl die Tapete als auch die Treppenabsätze sind weiss, auf dem Foto allerdings sind viele gelbe Flecken! Nu hoffe ich auf Eure kompetente Hilfe: ist das typisch fuer die LX 3, ist sie evtl. defekt? Kann die D-Lux 4 das besser? (Bild ist nur beschnitten und nur im Forum, um diese Frage zu stellen, nicht weil es in irgend einer Weise gelungen wäre)
  16. GaK


    Eolische Insel Filicudi vor Sizilien.
  17. Dear Leica fans, I'm new to Leica and to this forum. And I don't understand too much about photography in general either. So please be gentle? From my new D-Lux 4's manual I get that in A-mode I can choose between different aperture-settings with the up and down arrow's. In practice all I can choose is the lighting-setting. There's an aperture-value of f2.2 projected on the screen. I'd like to take some pictures with a sharp subject and faded background. Who can explain to me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks very much, Blew
  18. Hello, I just bought the D-lux 4 and did the first shots in .jpg and .rwl. As I aleady have capture one bought with my M8 I thought I could use the (already installed version) on my MAC. However, on opening C1 only recognises the jpeg but not the raw pictures. Do I need to install the C1 version which came with the D-lux and will that support also the DNG files from the M8 ? I hope I do not have to run both versions ... ;-) By the way : I use a 1GB SD card and the camera just allows around 55 shots (jpeg and rwl). Have you experienced anything like that before ? does not sound too much to me ... Many thanks for your support !
  19. crodge

    2 HP

    Taken on the beach at Hua Hin, Thailand (D-Lux 4)
  20. I'm trying to get thoroughly acquainted with my camera; I've had good results using it in the point-and-shoot style, but I want to progress. I've been reading a pretty good general book about digital photography, and I've just read a fairly lengthy section on White Balance. I've been using WB set to Automatic (I assume - I sure as heck didn't set it myself!), and the results have been fine. The WB seems a bit of a fiddly adjustment to make, but the author of the book seemed to think that the WB was a meaningful part of the photos. How do you guys approach the white balance issue with your D-Lux 4's? Are you satisfied with the AutoWB? Any particular tips or suggestions? Also, I'm shooting RAW; does that mean that the WB setting is not really all THAT important, because I can manipulate the image in Photoshop? Thanks for any suggestions, Jaze
  21. Hi. Pretty amateur user here with a question about the D-Lux 4. I live in NYC, but am currently in France, taking this camera on its maiden voyage. So far, I've loved the images I've been getting, but I've also been really struck by the lens distortion. Reading around here, I see that the Capture (?) software that came with the camera is able to correct that readily, but I only installed that on my iMac, and am only traveling with my Macbook Air. I have a 16GB memory card (oh, btw - is that too big?), so I've got enough room to keep all my images until I get home and can upload them to my iMac. Obviously, there's less distortion at the center of the image. I'm wondering if I should be shooting in one of the narrower aspect ratios, 3:2 or 4:3. Then again, my understanding is that choosing those aspect ratios just chops the picture off at the edges; if, when I get home, I can use the Capture (blanking on the name now, sorry!) software, and it'll smooth out the distortion, is there any point to moving away from 16:9? To tell the truth, I don't understand the point of the different aspect ratio settings, since you're basically just eliminating information for each shot - it seems an odd and artificial constraint. Anyway, sorry for gassing on like that, but if anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears. And there's a very strong possibility I'm wrong about the just cutting down on information by using smaller aspect ratios thing. Thanks, J.
  22. This morning my beloved d-lux4 survive to a accident. When a decide to put my camera into the pocket it slips near the pocket and hit a hard ceramic floor. I don't have quite long legs but was some distance. Lucky, the camera balanced and felt almost on entire back lcd surface. I turned on and everything seems to work fine, lens, focus, display. Unfortunately and curiously the lens cap suffer a fatal damage by losing one interior grip part and become useless. However, I used to think about install a Ricoh 3flaps auto-open cap. After all and even small Leica quality was proved once again.
  23. Just got one of these last Friday. I'm having a difficult time figuring out the best way to cart it around with me. It's slightly too big to fit in my pocket, yet not quite substantial enough to warrant slinging around my neck with the included neck strap. I have the brown leather case on order, but I'm not sure if I would really use the thing. So, how do you choose to carry your D-Lux 4? Neck strap or half case? Wrist strap and a large coat pocket? Belt pouch? What works best for you? Thanks, Mike
  24. Hallo, ich bin neu bei euch....liebe gruesse. Endlich habe ich es geschafft eine D-Lux 4!!! Die naesten Monate werde ich wohl auch endlich Zeit haben mich um einige Projekte zu kuemmern,abggesehen von einem pinholeding auch Regenfotos in der Stadt. Da stellt sich mir die Frage :"Kann ich meine D-Lux 4 irgentwie gegen Regen schuetzen?" Ich habe einige Internetseiten durchgesehen verstehe aber nicht welches rain cover da passen koennte,es muss kraftige Guesse aushalten koennen,unter Wasser arbeite ich aber nicht. Das Schutzfolienproblem habe ich dank des Forums schon geloest danke regitime
  25. geoservice

    2 Neffen

    Mein allererster Post in diesem Forum. Also: Hallo liebe Community! Hoffe es gefällt ein wenig. lg bernd d-lux 4
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