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Found 7 results

  1. we entered a nearby forest which we wanted to explore. We did not cover much but had to start being very busy to catch the last sunrays. Canon 5D MKII+ Elmarit R 35 mm, tripod, polarizer, longtime shutterspeed
  2. When roaming through the quiet morning beech tree forest oen could only hear a slight breeze and the sound of falling leaves. How to frame this? A few sunrays fell on the beech tree and I waited for a light gush of wind. High ISO was nececssary to get the leaves sharp with a shutterspeed of 1/250. An experiment of of several shots was neccessary, but time for this was limited because of fading light. Thanks for looking
  3. on our hiking tour through the forrest of the region of "Sauerland" I found this . Mounted on the MKII was the Elmarit 180 mm Thanks for having a look.
  4. Hey everyone, I just got my m2 off ebay and had a look through the viewfinder only to see 2 main very noticeable spots. I attached a picture and the one on the lower left looks much dimmer and looks like a dot and a hair almost? It's kind of light greyish and I think it's a particle or dust but I'm not quite sure. However, in the middle the speck seems much darker (basically black) and more prominent. Could this be separation or is it another speckle of dust (imo it doesn't seem like one). If this has happened to you or you know what it is, any input on how to fix or your thoughts would would be greatly appreciated! Also the shutter curtain on the front seems a little pushed forward and I can see the whole seam on it, is that normal? The curtain works 100% fine but I'm not sure if Im supposed to see the whole seam and overlap of the two curtains. On the back it stays slightly open by 1mm or so (didn't include a pic sorry)... should it cause a light leak? The camera was also recently CLA'd. Lastly, the viewfinder has some "gold specks" which I think is separation, but I hope i'm wrong. Please help if you can clarify, recommend a fix, or give any thoughts on ^^. Overall the camera seems amazing and none of the things I mentioned has really bothered me, but if I can learn more about them then it would be great. Thanks in advance, Ashley
  5. I have just got my leica m6. part of the shutter curtains got some dots and wonder if it is ok? the light meter works and camera is in good condition. i have not tried to develop any pics yet, so not sure if its leaking any light or working as it should. does anybody know what this dots are and would you return it?
  6. Hi all, Just had my M6 CLA’d due to a light leak around the shutter curtains. They are demonstrating some curling and leave a light leak when a frame is left in the gate for too long. The tech replaces the baffles among other things but I can still see a bit of light at the edges when shining a bright light. He claims that is normal and his other Leicas also have this. Can anyone attest if that is true by checking your shutter curtain edges when shining a bright light inside? much obliged Boe
  7. Has anyone ever experienced an unexplained shadowy gradient area along the edge of the frame as shown in the photos below? I've been shooting with my M10 close to a year now and I mainly use it for weddings and portraits. As a very rough estimate, I have put 15,000 clicks on it in the last year. In recent weeks, I have noticed a strange darkened area appear randomly on the frame in some photos, but not all. It's on the right side when shooting vertically or on the bottom when shooting horizontally. I have so far only noticed it happening with photos shot with the Noctilux .95, and I can't replicate it although it continues to happen randomly. I've uploaded a few files as example, from different days showing both the strange dark area as well as images that don't have it. I understand shooting at .95 I will have vignetting as shown in the second wedding photo, but the shadow area is very different and I don't understand why it's happening.
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