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  1. My Leica D-Lux 3 that displays (1) a purple color shift for white colors in bright light; and (2) a photos show a green or yellow tint in low light. I have looked over the presets and defaults. I cannot find a switch that improves the display. I believe that the exposure sensor is damaged or malfunctioning. Otherwise, the camera is in good shape cosmetically and according to a review of the presets and default, working correctly. A used replacement on Ebay is about $150 to $200. My questions are: -1- Can I send my camera to the Leica repair for a new sensor for that amount of money? I know about the submission form that requires a maximum repair cost to be stated. -2- Is a Leica repaired camera totally checked out and then repaired so as to insure long lasting functioning? -3- Is it better to purchase another non-leica camera for $150 to $200 with improved specifications like increased megapixels? Thanks for reviewing my questions, Inkbox PS I encountered an error when uploading files; although I deleted the upload files, I cannot upload replacements. I have used up all of my storage space and cannot locate a delete button in My Attachments.
  2. good explanation
  3. Reminded me of people like Saul Leiter or maybe Ernst Hass, don’t know but I like it. Leica M240 + 50mm Summicron f2. Processed in LR Classic using a Kodachrome 25 preset. Gerry
  4. From a trip to France in 2015. Leica M9 + Zeiss 50mm Sonnar f1.5 Gerry
  5. TM1ka


    2403520ZM, Imperia (IT)
  6. I post process my SL 2 raws in Adobe Lightroom. It is generally fine, although, as seems common with Leica raws, the reds are a bit oversaturated. I tend to use the Landscape profile as it seems to have a slightly less contrasty tone curve than Color and the colours are a bit more vibrant. A typical workflow is to add a bit of vignetting, adjust white balance, push the auto exposure, for a starting point, normalise the black and white points to get the right amount of clipping, add 15 clarity and 5 dehaze, and Robert is your Mother’s brother. The SL2’s white balance is normally v good, but when it isn’t I find that Auto tends to result in an overly warm image, relative to the expected neutral. Similarly, taking the white balance reading from gray clouds seems to result in too much warming of the image, suggesting that the SL2 wants to render them blue, at least under the Landscape profile. (I get better results taking the white point from cloud highlights, where they are available and where it isn’t too close to sunset.) I also realise that the dehaze tends to add a bit of a blue cast. Has anyone a better recipe for getting better (more natural) colours out of the SL2?
  7. Hi all, I've noticed there isn't a dedicated thread for editing L-Log footage, so I will begin one here. I realize that colouring and re-touching video is a very subjective field, but I wanted to see how others work within Leica's limited literature surrounding post-production in video. I've just updated my Atomos Ninja V to the latest firmware, which now allows for L-Log recording from leica (the past year with the SL2 was a little tedious working with both internally and externally recorded video footage). Now, with this update, BT2020 seems a lot nicer. I've just done my first video about this update here:
  8. Hi, l’ve a 50mm Summicron and 90mm elmarit; both stellar lenses. I’ve had these lenses for a good few years and don’t have any desire for more. From the get go I was sure to source lenses with common filter sizes, in this instance 39mm. I shoot quite a lot of film with my M6, both colour and BW. Its on the way back (in the post) with a viewfinder upgrade and CLA so looking forward to giving it a good run feeding it lots more film. I’ve a B+W F- Pro orange filter that I use a little and I’d like to add to this. Specifically a green filter for BW portraits, to experiment on my young surfer son who’s seven with some cute freckles. Also, for colour negative, typically with Portra, I’d like to get my hands on warming and cooling filters to try and get more consistent results and minimise colour shifts. This is particularly relevant as finding a good local scanner operator is a challenge; it’s not an excuse, just another reason to try and minimise any requirement for corrections at the scanner, i note Leica make some black and white filters, including a green filter, so that would likely cover off my requirement for BW, however, I’m stumped for warming and cooling filters, particularly in the 39mm size. I tried a camera store this afternoon to see what they may be able to get and was advised they’re unable to help me as there’s little need these days with digital; fair enough. Most ideally too, I’d like nice brass filters like the B+W F-Pro series, they’re very nicely made bits of kit. As I’d like to keep the setup compact, I don’t wish to use step downs or larger filters, I’d like to stick with 39mm. So, we’ll made brass 39mm filters; colour for BW and warming / cooling for colour neg. Any recommendations on where I might find the above? New or used? Thanks. And for a bit of fun, who else is using warming and cooling filters for colour neg film? I’ve an old Lumu light meter; I’m considering upgrading to the newer one simply for better understanding of colour temp variance, and flash measurement. FYI, the lumu’s are a great little light meter; I keep mine on my phone always, often even if I don’t have a camera with me! Cheers, Steve
  9. Taken yesterday at one of my favourite 'hunting' spots. Leica M240 + 35mm Summarit f2.5 @ 320 iso.
  10. I just wondered: Is the red color in this forum meant to symbolize the color in the Leica logo? The forum color is very nice, but the real Leica red is much more "old fashioned" and pale (100% magenta and yellow in CMYK).
  11. Dear all, I am the happy owner of a M(240), and more recently a CL and SL. I am coming from over 15 years of film M. I like shooting the rangefinder camera though I find a huge difference between my almost 5 year old M and the most recent (for me: I got the CL last january and the SL in October) cameras in image quality as soon as I shoot over iso 1600. I almost never shoot the M in color over iso 1600 since I don’t like what I can get out of lightroom @iso 2500 or more in color. i also have trouble with color consistency in mixed (daylight + artificial) lighting with the M. on both issues I find the SL is far superior and even the CL. Do you share the same experience ? do you think the M10 is much better in those areas ? thanks for sharing your experience didier
  12. Processed in Lightroom, Landscape or Color profiles, I find that boring grey skies are apt to carry a blue tinge (that becomes stronger as you approach blue hour). It certainly makes the pics look more lively, but it’s not what I remember seeing. If I set the sky to be grey using the temperature setting, the rest of the picture looks too warm. Have others noticed such quirks? Is there a solution (that doesn’t involve repainting the scene)?
  13. Hi everyone, I’m hesitating which color film to choose for shooting in cloudy rainy day. What are your recommendations? I have all my fridge all color films that are in production nowadays + Fuji Pro 400H
  14. From the album: Leica X-E

    Sunset in the countryside
  15. From the album: DJGR33R

    © DJGR33R

  16. laowai_


    From the album: Walk around the Neighborhood

    © (C) 2016, Chris Scholz

  17. I have a question - is there any way to jpg files from Leica M8 (v 2.024) reminded jpg Leica M9? Will exposure to -2/3, color: medium (example?)? Please help. I love the colors jpg with the M9. What can I set in my M8? Has anyone tried, maybe some settings will resemble the saturation of the M9?
  18. Attached a detail of a out of camera jpeg (DNG is identical) showing chromatic aberration. Is this normal and if yes, how do I get rid of?
  19. A few early spring photos
  20. Time running like sand through your hand
  21. Private Learjet 45 cruising 500 mph at 51,000 ft altitude
  22. Hi all, I am experimenting with custom colour profiles for T/TL, I am using Capture One as my raw editor, I liked the default profile for people and indoor shots, but I like more saturated look on landscapes and old town. I created the ICC profile for the Leica T, please give it a try and let me know your thoughts. LeicaT-Color Corrected.icm from Dropbox Thank you
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