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  1. Thank you to everyone who took part in last month's 109th Barnack's Monthly theme, which was filled with a wonderful array of more than 630 pictures and excellent ideas and interpretations of the theme! Thank you to everyone who helped to make it another successful month by generously posting their pictures and in particular to those people who posted for the first time - I hope you found it an interesting and rewarding experience and I hope it encourages you to share more of your pictures with us! The Barnack's Monthly theme for November 2017 is: Doors, walls, windows. This month's theme is "Doors, walls, windows" which is any picture with any type of door, wall, window, or any combination of them or any word containing "door", "wall", or "window". Doors, walls, windows could be a doll's house door, someone waving from a window, a blank wall, a white wall, a white-wall tyre, a doorway, a barn door, a doorstop, a doorbell, a window-washer, a wallflower, a wallet, indoor sports, the windows to the soul, light through yonder window, wallowing in pity, wallowing in mud, an indoor pool, a window ledge, a window-winder, the Wall of Death, a Wall's ice cream sign, The Doors, a back door, a front door, a side door, a Dormer window, a pay-wall, a sea-wall, a stage door, a trapdoor, a Trapdoor spider, WallMart, George Doors, the comedian Max Wall, an end wall, a high wall, a ruined wall, a walled castle, a walled city, a swallow, swallowing, window-glass, a broken window, an arched window, a rose window, a stained-glass window, a lead-light window, a cage door, Windows 3, Word for Windows 6, window frames, wall hangings, wall art, doormen - it's entirely your choice so let your imagination run free! It would be a help if you give your picture a title so to help us understand your point of view but it's not compulsory. Members have asked if we'd very kindly name the camera and lens used - if you can remember - because it's interesting to know but, again, it's not compulsory just helpful. The rules are deliberately loose so go out and shoot with this month's theme in mind or start searching back through those pictures you took oh-so long ago that you'd forgotten about and start posting! It doesn't have to be your best ever shot and it's not a competition so you might surprise the rest of us and yourself - it's just about sharing some pictures, seeing others' take on the topic, and enjoying it! Everybody's welcome to contribute, any interpretation, any number of posts, pictures that have been posted on the forum before, any equipment as long as it and the photo complies with the forum's rules of either camera or lens or both made by Leica. Please post freely - especially newcomers and please remember there's no judging or criticism (good or bad) in this thread. So, if you'd like to show your acknowledgement or appreciation that someone has posted their picture then instead of posting a comment please use the "Thanks" button that you can find at the bottom right of every post. Please post away and I look forward to seeing your interesting interpretations of this month's theme. Note: Moderator Pop has very kindly assembled links to all of the past Barnack's Monthly threads as a single archive that can be found here: Barnack's Monthly Index. Thank you, Pop! Pete
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