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Found 22 results

  1. In the street of Khiva Ouzbekistan M246/35mm Gilbert Vasseur
  2. Just found out that my next M246 suffers from sensor issues. My first M246 was replaced because there was an error with the sensor on the first one, and now it's happening all over with the M246 which replaced the first one with sensor error; i have to send my next M246 to service. Three years ago i jumped in the water: I switched to Leica from Nikon (and a short period with Canon) after 25 years without any techinical faults or issues what so ever, and i never looked back. That is until now, because i'm wondering if i really want to stay with Leica after these experiences after all. Three years with severe errors on two different digital bodies (sensors). - Is this sufficent enough? - What would you expect from Leica's customer service in this matter? - Would you go the other way around again, turn the back on Leica and return to Nikon based upon the experiences these (first) three years? Or shall i just tolerate this?
  3. Its now nearly a year since I purchased the M246, and I was thinking to take a quick look back at how my experience has been with this camera. It was during a relative cold and dark period of the winter last year here in Norway that I was evaluating what I could do to enhance my photographic interests and capabilities. At the time I was using the Sony system, which to be fair I was very happy with. The sensors were impressive, and the lens setup had become very good, especially when taking into account all the amazing lenses from Leica and other producers that could be used with a simple adapter. Still, there was something intriguing about owning and using an M. I had always looked at Leica cameras as somewhat mystique. One the one hand I found them simple and elegant - which is stark contrast to Sony cameras. On the other hand I wondered why people would actually pay to not have features that I found so important for a modern camera. A simple thing like not having to do a black screen after a long exposure or the ability to move around the focus point in an electronic view finder was to me almost a must at the time. But I wanted to try a Leica - to find out what the fuzz was all about. I had a few choices of course. I could opt for an old M9, but knew that I would despise its low ISO capabilities. The M240 was nice, but I didn’t really see how it would change my photos from what I achieved with my Sony. So I opted for a special camera instead, a camera that only saw things in black and white and had its speciality in distinguishing between light and dark. As soon as I tried the camera I was in love. Never before had I pressed such a smooth shutter. The body was sturdy, with no plastics. Everything was manual, and apart from ISO i could always see the settings before pressing the shutter. The camera felt good to hold, and more importantly the rangefinder was a joy to use. I quickly learned that I was just as right-eyed as left-eyed, while I have always used my left eye for photography. And somewhat surprisingly, I seldom saw the need for an electronic viewfinder, and all other quirks, techs and specs from the Sony camera soon became obsolete. It didn’t take long before I discovered that the M246 was a very special camera, not only because it was only in black and white, but also because it thrived in whether conditions that most cameras despised. Not long after I purchased the M246 I travelled to Lofoten for a week with photography. Originally I hadn’t planned to use the Leica that much, but in the end 85 percent of the photos I took that week was with the M246. The key was the weather. Every day was stormy, and the weather conditions were the worst I have ever experienced. The wind was so strong that a tripod became unusable for large periods at the time, and snowstorm after snowstorm came in from the north, forcing me to run for shelter every 10 minutes. Pockets of sun were just that, pockets that lasted for minutes before they were overrun by a new snowstorm. It was in this weather I discovered why the M246 was so special. The camera loved bad weather. The darkness, the storms and the wind was captured in a beautiful way that no other camera could capture. That I only had black and white made the images more pure and raw, thereby amplifying the mood created from the lack of light. It is this that is special for the M Monochrom. It shines when light is scarce, whereas most cameras shine when light is abundant. This has opened up a whole new world of photographic perspectives for me. Since then I have never looked back. I now see shapes and light in a completely different way, and its all thanks to the M246. ISO capabilities are incredible, and it is fantastic to be able to take photos with ISO up to 10 000 without really sacrificing contrast or details. I truly believe that I have become a better photographer after acquiring it. At least I find it much more inspiring to plan new trips and projects. Are there things about the camera that bothers me? Of course. Like several others have mentioned on this forum, its easy to burn highlights with the M246. This has not been a major problem for me, because I just avoid overexposing in the way I have done with other digital cameras. Besides, the level of details in the shadows is very impressive, and its easy to adjust for under exposure in post-processing. I still miss being able to move around the focus point when using the EVF, but thats also only a minor issue as I most often use the rangefinder. Thanks for reading, and now some photos.
  4. From the album: billinghambaglady MM

    Just starting out with the M246.
  5. I just made a firmware upgrade on my less than 1y old and barely used M246 (I completely lost the mojo on the MM after having had to swap my MM to the inferior M246). Granted I use the LCD very, very little if at all (changing ISO, formatting SD cards and correcting the internal clock are pretty much the only times when I use the LCD). So I never noticed any issue with the LCD - I just never use it enough. When I started the firmware update procedure (firmware file on SD card, switching the camera on while holding the "info" button), I noticed a green colored surrounding on the LCD screen very similar in pattern to the often reported M8 LCD "coffee stain" issues. The "rectangle shifting image" while the firmware updated made this very obvious and I could not see this issue on the youtube videos you can find showing the firmware upgrade process. Well, my camera is a German model and I will not be able to show and ask about this until the next trip to Europe - any experience with broken M246 LCD screens is very welcome. And btw - the exposure compensation nonsense in the viewfinder is still there after the firmware update? Lets see if the camera at least can keep the time in sync better than an hour glass operated by a drunk sailor after the FW update (maybe the LCD is worn out by all that time setting to correct for the miserable time keeping)?
  6. Boston's Italian North End, M246, 21mm SEM, B&W Yellow Filter Thanks for looking.
  7. eddds

    The Farmer

    Preparing food for his milk cows. MM246, 28mm Cron
  8. Hallo allerseits. In den vergangenen Monaten musste ich immer wieder feststellen, dass doch recht viele M246 als gebraucht verkauft werden/wurden. Die Preise sind entsprechend gesunken und ich frage mich, warum wohl ihre Besitzer die MM2 wieder loswerden wollen. Teilweise mit unglaublich wenigen Auslösungen, nach wenigen Wochen/Monaten. So viele Zahnarztfrauen kann es doch gar nicht geben Kurz nach der Einführung hat selbst Thorsten van Overgaard seine M246 wieder verkauft. Komisch. Ich glaube die Anzeige war damals hier online? Ich bin mit meiner M246 sehr zufrieden und werde sie nicht verkaufen. Daher wird mich der Preisverfall nicht treffen Sie ist meine einzige digitale M und ich vermisse nichts. Übrigens meine erste neue, frisch aus dem Laden. Vielleicht habe ich auch deshalb so eine "besondere Beziehung" zu ihr? Trotzdem würde ich gerne wissen, was ihr von der M246 haltet, warum ihr sie verkauft (habt) usw... Oder irre ich mich vielleicht und das sind ganz normale Verkaufszahlen? Ist euch das evtl. auch aufgefallen? Grüße vom Micha
  9. Crazy. I did a studio shoot with the M246 and a 75 APO-Summicron. Light bank angled to the camera. The 75 flared like crazy... the 50 Summilux-ASPH didn't flare at all! Anyway, I tried LR6 "dehaze" and the results are impressive. That's all. Regards, Dean
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  10. We spent some days in Italy to attend a wedding in Florence. In Rome, smoking waiting for his wife, MM 246 28mm Summicron
  11. Today i experienced for the second time that my Monochrom M246 failed to capture an image. It triggered as usual, it indicates the right shutter time in playback mode but nothing was captured/registered in the image. It's just a blank (read black) unexposed picture. I've tried to google this but did not find anything about this problem, that's why i'm trying here. Nothing was captured in the sensor and it's only a black picture with no data recorded at all. Has anyone in this forum experienced something like this?
  12. It seems that EyeFi cards (orange ones) are incompatible with the M246. It worked perfectly with my m240. In my Ricoh GR the card is working and wifi signal detectable, files can be transferred. Same card in the M246 and no WiFi signal. Anyone same experience ?
  13. I shot these test images a few weeks back but only recently had the chance to compile them into a meaningful article. Up for your viewing pleasure is a comprehensive comparison of the MM246 vs. the M9M vs. the M240 converted to B&W, using the 50 APO, on a static still life subject under controlled conditions. I know I'm a little late to the party as others have been putting out some interesting and well-done comparisons. For my version of the test, I aimed to compare optimized images from each camera at each ISO level against one another. I like to take a real world approach and in my world, I don't look at out of camera results. Part of the evaluation of a camera should be how it responds to post processing and the final result, no? B&W ISO Showdown: Leica M Monochrom (Typ 246) vs. M Monochrom (M9) vs. M (Typ 240) Have a look and let me know what you think. Thanks!
  14. For those interested, I took a look inside of a M246 DNG: Version number shows as - I'm told that this is production firmware DNG version shows as 1.3, and "backward version" as 1.1 - this is as expected. There are no DNG opcodes, etc. This is just a basic vanilla DNG that should be compatible with most software. It works "out of the box" with current versions of all of AccuRaw, AccuRaw Monochrome and PhotoRaw. There are only two slight surprises: Firstly, the file is only 12 bit. Actually, with a white level of 3750, true bit depth is slightly less than 12-bits. This is lower than the 14 bits of the original M Monochrom, although in practice its very unlikely that anyone will notice a difference. Secondly, there are a few EXIF string fields that aren't properly terminated. This isn't usually a problem as most software will still be able to correctly read the fields, but it's kind of sloppy work by Leica. Sandy
  15. I have tried searching on both this forum and Google as well, but haven't found the answer there, since i can't find any pictures nor videos with two M bodies and mounted lenses. There aren't any photo dealers around where i live, so i will be buying without being able to see or try to put my gear in the bag, so i rely on your help here I'm gonna need a new bag, and after looking after several brands and model, the search has been narrowed to either Billingham Hadley Small or the Billingham Hadley Pro. I will only choose the Hadley Pro if the Small is - yes, too small. 99% of the time this is the gear i have with me: Leica M Monochrom with Summicron-M 35 mm ASPH Leica M6 with Summicron-M 35 mm Version 4 Charger for the Monochrom Three 39 mm filters in plastic cases Lee Seven5 kit (filter holder, 39 mm adapter and one Filter) Cable Release 2-3 films My mind is set on the Hadley Small since i reckon it all fits in the bag without any problems. Only thing is that the Monochrom is 80 mm in the height while the bag is "only" 70 mm deep. I could imagine the bag is so flexible that 10 millimeters will be no problem, as the bag seems "spacy" according to what i've seen on the web. Do have any experiences carrying two M bodies (one digital and on analog) in the Hadley Small? How do they fit in the bag? Thanks in advance for your help
  16. Sorry about the strange question, but i will give it a go: Somewhere on the internet i've read, that leather straps can be the cause to fungus in both lenses and cameras, while i've on other sites have been reading that this is nonsense. My Monochrom, the M6 and my lenses are being stored in a camera bag while not in use. Should i have any concerns if a Luigi's leather strap is attached to the camera while in my bag, or is it better to just mount and use the leather strap while using the camera, and it's not in the bag? Can leather straps attached to my cameras, while being stored in my camera bag, ultimately cause fungus? If i should attach/detach the leather strap every time the cameras come in and out of the bag, then i maybe just will stick to the original, supplied nylon strap, which - though - isn't comfortable to use.
  17. I did a search here on the Forum to see if there was any history or discussion on an interesting problem I was having with my M Monochrom 246 but found nothing. Therefore, I thought I would document my experience for the record. My issue was that the shutter was randomly misfiring, either too fast or too slow. This was producing some "unusual" results with some exposures unpredictably wildly off the mark. In my blind trust of Leica, I was a bit slow to conclude that the problem was with the camera rather than me. At first, I could not understand how such varying results could be produced in aperture-priority mode but gradually began to suspect the shutter. I took a series of shots of the same scene and the same lighting, with the same aperture, but with a manually-selected shutter speed both in "S" and "C" modes. As it turned out, the shutter speeds for each image file were all over the place with the minority at the actual set speed. Furthermore, it did not seem to matter what shutter speed was selected and, of course, it did not matter what lens was on the camera. When I wrote to Leica Camera USA describing my situation, I got an answer in pretty short order with the suggestion to do a camera Reset. This worked! The Reset function apparently is a like a o/s reboot on a computer which sadly had not occurred to me as a possible solution. Of course, all my menu-driven customizations were wiped out with the camera reverting to the factory default but that was a small price to pay to have normal shutter operation restored. Anyone else seen this?
  18. Hi there, fellow M246 owners! I've been a Leica shooter for some years now, but "only" film so far. For a month ago i did buy the M246 and i have been testing the camera shooting some 2.000 pictures, to get to know the camera before i start to use the camera in daily shootings. Please see my questions below When i've been post processing my Tri-X pictures, i've just been doing some minor post processing. Mainly in Exposure, and if the pictures are more dull and grey for my style, i've just done some minor adjustments in the blacks/shadows and/or whites/highlights. I have a some trouble getting the result i want from my new M246. It's just so much easier to get a b/w - i'm happy with - from of my M6 loaded with Tri-X or from my Fuji X100s. Therefore i want your help as a little quick start, since my strenght nor experience isn't in Lightroom or post processing. To give you a feeling of,what i like and don't like what concerns post processing, the pictures in this review are pretty close to my own preferences: Leica M Monochrom (Typ 246) Review Could you please share and tell me: How do you post process your M246 pictures? Which program do you use? Could you please describe in details what you do? What are your settings? Could you post some examples with pictures? What were the specific settings in Lightroom in the pictures? I don't want to copy your post processing style, i just want a quick starting point where i can begin, since i don't have so many experiences with Lightroom, being a film photographer for 28 years. Sorry if this question already has been asked without me noticing. I did try to search this forum before posting, but i didn't find any dedicated post regarding this. Thanks for your help in advance.
  19. Among the many possible answers to the first question – Why Leica? – my preference to the M-system has been the relatively small size and low weight of the bodies and the majority of lenses, the overall superb optical quality ranging from ultra wide-angle to medium telephoto, including a unique set of fast lenses, the brilliant optical viewfinder (when properly calibrated) and, with the digital Ms, mostly fine-quality, full-format sensors. Overall, the system has the feeling of being an instrument, not some plastic-stuff put together in millions of copies. The price of the instrument package is high. But instruments made in the western world are seldom cheap, so perhaps the price is what one could expect. And the majority of lenses last (almost) forever. When bodies and lenses work as they are supposed to, it’s a real joy to use the M-system. Now and then lenses and/or bodies need calibration or other adjustments or fixes or even being rebuilt. That’s all fine, like for most instruments. Within reasonable limits, that is. This leads to the second question: Why, Leica? First a backdrop: I have owned the last four incarnations of the digital M: M9, MM, M240 and M246. All of these, except the MM, were purchased new. The experiences with the new purchases are as follows: The rangefinder of the M9 was slightly off out of the box. I could live with this for some time, but I got eventually the rangefinder adjusted by Kamera-Service/van Manen during a visit to the Netherlands (handed in one afternoon, picked-up the following day). After that, the body worked as it should; with the feeling of having an instrument in my hands. Great! I sold the body when I bought the M240. The rangefinder of the M240 was also slightly off out of the box. In addition, the red digital numbers in the viewfinder didn’t work properly; typically only parts of the information were shown. The latter was not a big deal, but I wanted to get this error fixed. So I sent the M240 to Leica for adjustment and repair via the Norwegian Leica dealer. The battery charger was also sent to Leica; this did not charge properly, likely because of poor contact between the charger and the power cable. An early incarnation of 50APO was also returned to Leica in this batch – for a check and a possible rebuild linked to numerously reported problems with early units of this (otherwise) brilliant lens. The above package was shipped in mid April. A few weeks ago I picked up a brand new M246 in a local store. The rangefinder was way off, actually so off that it was next to hopeless to use the rangefinder at large apertures. Again, off to Leica for adjustment via the Norwegian dealer. In summary, both M240 and M246 are for the time being at Leica for adjustment/repair due to failure(s) out of the box. The adjustment/repair of the M240 (+50APO) will likely take 3 months. If I am lucky, I might get the M240 and/or the 50APO before I head for this year’s summer vacation. I have no idea when I can expect to get the M246 back from Leica. Therefore my question: Why, Leica? Why don’t you do a proper check of the bodies leaving the factory? Shouldn’t the rangefinder be as easily checked and rechecked on your side as by users (like me) on the purchasing side? Particularly now with focus peaking on the digital M? I would guess that the cost of adjustment/repairs during warranty must be non-trivial. Not to mention the frustration on the consumer's side. I simply don’t get it. Given the premium price – wouldn’t it be reasonable that bodies that are off out of the box get a priority that reduces the repair waiting time on your side? Alternatively, what with an option to offer a body for rent (possibly with a deposit or for a modest cost) during the repair time when the bodies are off out of the box? Or a replacement? From a user’s side, the absolutely most useless and expensive bodies/lenses are those that are being off for a repair for an extended period of time because of sloppy quality check on the factory side. It’s also frustrating to spend time on contacting dealers and service agencies with typically vague and non-definite responses. Leica – as any brand – exists because of the customers, not vice versa. I apologise for taking your time, but this is a bit more frustrating than I am comfortable with. Postscript: The Norwegian dealer states that they will likely be able to provide a body when I head for vacation. This is fine (given that the body is properly working, including a calibrated rangefinder). But the question - Why, Leica? - remains valid. And in the mean time, no body/bodies to use. Grrr... PS2: The attached images illustrate the position of the focus based in the rangefinder (assisted with a viewfinder loupe) and the digital focus peaking with 10x magnification. The focus should be on the last "I" in "MODIGLIANI", and the photo with the digital focus is spot on. Additional tests have been done with other lenses with similar result; the rangefinder is way off and rather useless for accurate focusing. (M246, 90 Summicron, f2, on tripod, no post-processing except reduced image size).
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