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Found 18 results

  1. From today using the Leica M9 and 35mm Summarit f2.5. Post-processing in LRCC. Gerry
  2. D-Lux
  3. Graduation Day - Southampton, England Leica M240 + 35 Summarit f2.5 Gerry
  4. Taken on at a weekend school with Craig Semetko at LFI in Hamburg. Leica M9 + 35mm Summarit f2.5 @ 800 iso. Processed in LR Classic. Gerry
  5. Taken on todays short photowalk: Leica M240 + 35mm Summarit-M f2.5 Gerry
  6. From the album: DJGR33R

    © DJGR33R

  7. I had the great pleasure of spending the day at a Leica Akademie event in the town of Bath (England) last weekend which you can read about here and I particularly like this image taken with my M9 and a 35mm Summarit f2.5 which I then processed in LRCC. Gerry
  8. Another from the Leica Akadamie workshop I attended in Bath, England. Taken with my Leica M9 and 35mm Summarit f2.5 at 400iso and processed in LRCC. Gerry
  9. M240 CV 35/1.4
  10. This was taken on Les Rambles in Barcelona using the M9 and a Zeiss 50mm Sonnar f1.5 les, and then processed in LR CC 2015.3 I hope you like it! Gerry
  11. A man sits checking his cell phone whilst two Asian girls check the menu, and a man looks on checking out the girls. Taken in Budapest using the Leica M9 with Zeiss 50mm Sonnar f1.5. 1250iso 1/1500 @f4. Post-processed in LR. Gerry
  12. gwpics

    The Crickets

    Back in 1998 I went on a package tour to Beijing with my wife, but the images have lain pretty dormant in my filing cabinet since. I am now going through some of my older work and scanning it, and I was particularly pleased with this one which was shot on Fuji Provia using an M6 and Summicron-M f2. The exact details have been lost in the annal of time, but I think it was taken in the Forbidden City and shows a man who has brought his caged crickets out to enjoy the winter sunshine. I remember reading that Marc Ribaud )Magnum) had gone to China to photograph the Tiananmen Square 'happenings' in 1989 but had been so fascinated by people in the cafes with crickets he missed the main event. This then I guess is a sort of tribute to him.
  13. gwpics

    The Metal Bowl

    I took this image whilst shooting on a group shoot at a forge in Portsmouth, England. I used a Leica M9 and 35mm Summarit-M f2.5, and then processed it through Lightroom with very little tweaking. Not quite on the thirds, and the non-vertical black line troubles me a bit, but that is how it was. I hope you like it! Gerry
  14. Taken using a M9 and 35mm Summitar f2.5 at 200iso. Gerry
  15. Taken in Southampton (England) with permission. Used the Leica M9 with 35mm Summarit f2.5.
  16. Taken by natural light with the M9 and Zeiss Sonnar 50mm f1.5.
  17. gwpics

    Fish Tank

    It seems that just occasionally the camera goes of at a tangent and has to capture something so way out of my normal straight-laced photography that it stuns me. This was one of those occasions when it was seriously influenced by Jay Maisel and his wonderful 'must read' for all serious photographers entitled 'Light, Gesture & Color'. One of those occasions was in the reception area of La Bertelière hotel just outside of Rouen in France.
  18. Sitting in a cafe, I idly took two pictures, one with Super-Elmar-M 1:3.4/21 ASPH. and the other with Apo-Summicron-M 1:2/50 ASPH. I just wanted to record the colours of the tent but the results were very different. The scene was very HDR so exposure was not good. Both snaps were developed in LR, have the same colour temp and tint settings and have been cropped from about the middle of the DNG. With the SEM the tent was much brighter so I reduced the exposure (in LR); highlights were blown but not on the tent. On the first image you can see that the yellow panel becomes its correct red where it is in the shade at the bottom so I suppose some kind of flooding has taken place. 21 lens 50 lens What have I done wrong? Thanks for your help to explain this. Oh, and I can assure you it's not a spinning top...
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