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Portrait of an Artist


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Taken in the summer in St Omer, France. Same image, different processing with the 1st being my preference.

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Ali, this is a superb portrait! I always liked portraits of gentlemen with beard; I find the good quality of the shots gives a different dimension of the picture!


I like the face and the contrast in the first photo; but I also like the details and the tone of the shirt and background in the second!

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very nice. like it a lot. i agree as between the two, but am not sure if i would also like one with the highlights brought down a tad to bring in a little bit more texture in the face, plus a slight increase in micrcontrast. With such a fine portrait, there's lots to play with here!! All the best, Adam

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Thank you Louis. I am finding my way in the B&W conversion process, so your comments are most welcome and enlightening.


Ali, with your permission, I played with this excellent shot a little to better explain what I meant in my previous comments. I hope you don't mind much, and please, forgive me if you do!.... :)


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Louis, Otto, Adam,Snoop,NewNew,Stuart, Hank, George, XVarior and everyone else, many thanks for looking and the feedback, which is greatly appreciated.


Louis - of-course i do not mind and am very grateful that you went to the the trouble to do so and thank you for that. Yes, i can see where you are coming from and will persevere and give it another run through. I did the 1st one in photoshop and the 2nd in LR, i think i will stick with LR for this sort of thing as the file size in PS went upto 1.2GB!!

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All a very strong images. Personally I prefer the first as it shows a little more background with what I take to be paintings on it, which for me seems to add to the relevance.


In terms of postprocessing I think I find the image a little dark and contrasty - if it was just a tinge lighter that would be right for me.

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Robert, thanks for your feedback, which as well as everyone elses, encouraged me to rework the 1st one. the dark areas were lightened(especially the shirt) as well as the eyes, back and closer to what they originally were. Overall, i am pleased with the reworked one, although it may still be a little contrasty, but i like that.

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